Life has changed and is still changing. Growing up in the 80s and 90s was terrific, even though we didn’t think so then. Nowadays, I observe my kids and realise that even though we are in different age brackets and ‘seasons’, somehow, even though the difference in our ages aren’t so huge, we will be telling different stories and they may never understand mine because it’s alien to them whereas, I am living in both worlds and sincerely, I cry for them .
Technology is amazing. I won’t be writing to you through this medium if it wasn’t. Technology has connected us more than we could have imagined and still, it is disconnecting us at the same alarming rate. The sad part is that parents from the 1900s are finding it difficult to cope with the technological advancements , on the other hand, the young people are hypnotized with the wonders of technology. Still, I fear for them.
I saw a terrifying research of what happens to young people in America on a daily basis in Josh McDowell’s Handbook on Counseling Youth. According to statistics, 1,000 unwed teenage girls become mothers, 1,106 teen girls get abortion, 500 adolescents begin using drugs, 2,200 teens drop out of school ,6 teens commit suicide…..the list is endless. Teenagers are missing out on how simple life can be because of the advancement of technology and lots of external influences in this present age.
More than ever, there is no better time for the need for teen and family counselors than now. Some parents may not want to accept that they are becoming overwhelmed with parenting or at least, some aspects of parenting but owning up to your weakness is a great start to getting help. The adolescent’s life is filled with ups and down. Some psychologists have called it the roller coaster period and they aren’t far from the truth.
How do you know your teenager is calling out for help? It isn’t all times that they are putting up a bad character, just for the fun of it. That nasty attitude they may be putting up is a call for help, see through the surface and sort them out.. No one purposely sets out to be the bad egg. More than anything, your teenager needs your approval and will want to be good so, watch for some of these behavioral signs that may be call for help: sudden outburst of temper, repeated stealing, cheating, lying, excessive fighting, setting up power struggle, hyperactivity, nervousness, excessive day dreaming or preoccupation with fantasy, excessive blaming or others, irresponsibility, compulsive mannerisms, constant defiance of rules , etc. These behavioral attitudes may be linked to , but not limited to sexual abuse.
It’s therefore imperative that parents and guardians of adolescents and young adults be friendly with their children so they can note these behavioral changes and seek for help immediately.